Rad Dad Wednesday

Ethan Lunz, Medical Device Sales/Distribution

Child's name(s):

Jagger (18 mos.) and Sydney (9 days!)

Where are you from and where do you live now?

Seattle, WA ---- Hermosa Beach, CA

How has fatherhood changed you?

Fatherhood has made me a better person all together. It has opened my eyes more to the importance of life, love, and true happiness.

What’s your favorite thing about being a Dad?

I love being goofy with my kids, making them laugh uncontrollably, and watching their reactions to all different situations....it's amazing experiencing them in all facets of life.

Describe your style.

Salt of the Earth...Hipster/Rugged/Athletic

Has becoming a Dad changed your style? How?

Nope.....I have always been a very positive person and have loved life to the fullest! I'll continue to live that way and raise my children that way as well. "work hard, play hard, love hard"

On a Friday night out, we might find you in ____________.

Jeans or Relaxers // Tee Shirt with Button up or jacket // Boots or Vans // Hat or Beanie (depending on weather or outfit)

On a Sunday afternoon, we might find you in ____________.

Jeans/Relaxers/Shorts // Tee Shirt // Rainbows or Vans (no socks) // Hat // Shades

Where does your fashion inspiration come from?

My travels internationally and domestic, my active lifestyle, and personal opinion of what looks "GOOD"






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